223 Defensive Carbine
The Modern Technique, as applied to the carbine. Learn to manage your environment from arm’s length to 200 yards.
This class covers all the important aspects of marksmanship, gun handling and mindset. Shoot from a variety of positions and learn how to use them to conform to available cover in our outdoor simulators including the famous Gunsite Scrambler. Outdoor simulators will challenge your ability to locate and put accurate fire on targets at unknown distances.
In addition to the range drills, school drills, carbine “El Presidente” and simulators, you will shoot on the move, learn to get off the line of attack, and shoot in low light/no light conditions.
Carbines make an excellent choice for home defense. You will learn tactics that can be employed in your home or place of business in our live fire indoor and outdoor simulators.
AR-15, SCAR-L, AK-74, AK-47, Mini-14 and similar carbines are all applicable for this class.
“DAY ZERO – Carbine” – a new course offered to the prospective 223 student the day before your 223 Carbine Class begins. It is designed for the novice or new gun owner who lacks knowledge or experience in gun handling and marksmanship.
We have found our first training day in the 223 Carbine Class goes by very quickly and may be overwhelming to the new gun owner. So, we took the 223 Monday morning class and turned it into a separate full day on Sunday, the day before, so you’re fully prepared for the next morning.
A discount is offered to students who take a Day Zero class prior to their 223 class. For more information and to register, visit:
The best part of this class were the instructors. As I have some issues that would not let me go prone, they had me shoot from other positions and were very patient. The class was more than I expected and able to shoot a thousand rounds in a week was...