Youth 350 Intermediate Pistol Class
Youth’s ages 12-16 can attend this course (no exceptions to the age range). Continuing “the Gunsite Experience,” for the youth 250 graduates, the Youth 350 is the natural progression in the Modern Technique of the Pistol.
Move! The 350 course focuses on movement. You will not be standing still on the line as everything will be done with different types of movement. Getting off the line of attack, shoot then move, move then shoot, continuous movement and moving targets highlight the week.
Concealed carry is optional for much of the class to make the training more realistic to your everyday life. New flashlight techniques are introduced as your night shoot is done in the simulators. You will learn to draw and shoot with your support hand. Dozier drills are shot from a seated position and the El Presidente drill is done tactically.
You will also be introduced to force on force training done with Simunitions. The added realism of dealing with live people who react and respond to you is the most beneficial training you can have. It’s as close to real as it gets.
*Important Note: 250 Defensive Pistol (w/grade of “Marksman” or higher)
Attended my tenth class at Gunsite this weekend, a 3-day version of the (2-day) Tactical Medicine class I took last year. It was not only astounding, it was outstanding. The course is three days of training: two in the classroom, and the final day in...