Tactical Concealed Carry Pistol
This class will combine various aspects of Gunsite pistol classes (250, 350, 499, CQP), with the added requisite of concealment. This class also includes blocks of instruction on vehicle defense, active shooter counter measures, people extractions and the post shooting process. Various concealment systems will be discussed and demonstrated. Emphasis will be on smoothly presenting the concealed pistol and making effective hits from contact distance up to 25 yards. This class involves shooting with movement and clearing gun malfunctions with both hands and singlehanded. The holster should be rigid enough to facilitate holstering the pistol with one hand. No shoulder holsters or lower center back carry will be allowed.
Force-on-Force and responses to various street crimes will be incorporated into this course.
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*Important Note: 250 Defensive Pistol (w/grade of “Marksman” or higher)
Did you know that the Concealed Carry Pistol class is a new class this year? Did you know it took over a year of planning to put together the syllabus for this class? I didn't know this until I took the class on Sept. 17-21, 2018. The class is a...