250 Defensive Pistol Class
This class is “The Gunsite Experience” and was first presented in October 1976 by Colonel Jeff Cooper. Regardless of your age, gender or experience, completing the 250 Class will change your life! You will be well grounded in the ‘Modern Technique… More details here

250 Defensive Pistol w/CTC Laser
If you can only choose one class this year, choose the 250 Defensive Pistol sponsored by Crimson Trace! This class is “The Gunsite Experience” and more! Gunsite has teamed up with Crimson Trace to develop a 250 Pistol class complete with the… More details here

Youth 250 Pistol
Youth’s ages 12-16 can attend this course (no exceptions to the age range). This class will emphasize safe and responsible gun handling on the range and off. Students will learn the Modern Technique of the pistol in a safe, controlled and supportive… More details here

250 Pistol Class with Optics
More and more mounted optics are in use on pistols, especially on defensive pistols. The focus is learning the idiosyncrasies of the presentation, manipulations, defensive shooting with an optic equipped fighting handgun. This class is “The Gunsite… More details here

250 Defensive Revolver Class
Revolvers are an ever popular platform that has been around since Samuel Colt submitted a British patent for his revolver in 1835. While the revolver has been eclipsed over the last several decades by the self-loading pistol, it remains a formidable… More details here

150 Three Day Pistol
This is an excellent opportunity for you to understand the Gunsite experience and what it can do for you. Certified training can provide a firewall of protection against civil lawsuits for negligence and lack of qualified training. The course will… More details here

Ladies 150 Basic Pistol
This Ladies Pistol class is the Modern Technique of the Pistol, for those ladies who want to learn to be safe and to begin acquiring firearms skills prior to letting the guys know just how good they really are. These all ladies classes are taught by… More details here

Ladies Pistol 2 Day
This will pick up where the Ladies' 150 left off. Shooting will be done from concealed carry both on and off the body. Demonstrations of various carry methods will be explained and utilized. A night shoot will be conducted. Alternative defensive… More details here
350 Intermediate Pistol Class
Move! The 350 course focuses on movement. You will not be standing still on the line as everything will be done with different types of movement. Getting off the line of attack, shoot then move, move then shoot, continuous movement and moving… More details here
350 Intermediate Pistol Class with Optics
You have taken the 250 Defensive Pistol and now have added a pistol mounted optics to your carry repertoire. How do you most effectively make use of your pistol mounted optic on that pistol on the square range, in the indoor simulators and the… More details here
350 Intermediate Night
It’s a fact that most confrontations occur in low light or darkness. It is imperative that you develop the skills and tactics necessary to prevail in these conditions. It is basic human nature to be afraid of the dark. Humans are mostly "seeing"… More details here
Youth 350 Intermediate Pistol Class
Youth’s ages 12-16 can attend this course (no exceptions to the age range). Continuing "the Gunsite Experience," for the youth 250 graduates, the Youth 350 is the natural progression in the Modern Technique of the Pistol. Move! The 350 course… More details here
499 Advanced Pistol Class
499 is the second of the post graduate pistol courses, continuing “The Gunsite Experience”. Advanced Defensive Pistol clients are already very good shooters. At this advanced skill level, even very minor improvements in your technique will lead to… More details here
Youth 499 Advanced Pistol Class
499 is the second of the post graduate pistol courses, continuing “The Gunsite Experience”. Advanced Defensive Pistol clients are already very good shooters, even for ages 12 - 16, which is the ages that can attend this class. At this advanced skill… More details here
CCW Permit Class
While Arizona is a Constitutional Carry State, a CCW permit is still required for interstate reciprocity. Our CCW classes more than satisfy the Arizona’s training requirement for the Concealed Carry Permit. You will experience a personal carry system… More details here
Tactical Concealed Carry Pistol
This class will combine various aspects of Gunsite pistol classes (250, 350, 499, CQP), with the added requisite of concealment. This class also includes blocks of instruction on vehicle defense, active shooter counter measures, people extractions… More details here
Close Quarters Pistol Class
Close Quarter Pistol is designed to prepare students for the real world dynamics of sudden, violent confrontation and attacks. What will you do if suddenly and violently attacked? Will you have the time and opportunity to present your firearm? Do you… More details here
Ladies Close Quarter Pistol
FLASH SALE (April 29 - May 1 class only): Ammo and Camping discounts will be applied on Registration Confirmation (1-2 business days) Carrying a firearm as a female provides you the protective capability to either exit or equalize against extreme… More details here
Seasoned Citizen 250 Pistol
The Gunsite experience for those of us who have been around and have the aches and pains to prove it. This course covers all points of Gunsite doctrine on marksmanship, gun handling and mindset without all the ups and downs of a regular class. You… More details here
Seasoned Citizen Close Quarters Pistol
Close Quarter Pistol is designed to prepare students for the real world dynamics of sudden, violent confrontation and attacks. What will you do if suddenly and violently attacked? Will you have the time and opportunity to present your firearm? Do you… More details here
Seasoned Citizen 350 Intermediate Pistol Class
This is the natural progression for those who have successfully completed the SC250. The SC350 increases the challenges based upon the SC250 skill sets. Instead of many different positional shooting options, increased movement, stepping off the line… More details here