GPC-202 Intermediate Performance
The Intermediate class of the Performance Center series of classes. This class strives for 15% plus improvement from the 101 class to “Performance With Focus on Refinement”. Training will include executing multiple horizontal and diagonal target transitions producing accurate hits on time. Drills emphasize timing, firing grip development, identify, isolating and eliminating unnecessary movement.
The term “performance” does not equate to the word “competition”. It is a common misconception they are synonymous. They are not. The GPC does not teach Tactics, nor does it teach Competition. It stands firmly on neutral ground and provides only performance-based firearms training.
If you are interested in learning tactics, please see the Gunsite 250 Pistol class and the available Gunsite Tactical Classes
*Important Note: GPC-101 or score less than 35 on the Wilson 5x5 drill
10 years ago my wife and I took the three pistol classes and the edged weapons class. Except for the bruises from the edged weapons class we extremely enjoyed the experience. Fast forward a year and my wife is accosted in a parking lot. Due to the...