Randy retired as the Chief of Police from the Ogden Police Department in Ogden, Utah. With 32-years of service, Randy served in all operational components of the department, as well as serving 12 years in SWAT and 15 years as the primary firearms and defensive tactics trainer in the Training Bureau. Randy is a lead trainer and advisor to the National Tactical Officer’s Association and is a presenter at several State SWAT Associations on a regular basis. He is a published author and is a trainer on Police Leadership at various levels in federal, state and local law enforcement. Randy is an expert in Law Enforcement Use of Force and provides expert testimony for the defense of police officers and agencies in litigation cases. Randy is a retired Special Forces Colonel from the Utah National Guard with 34-years of Active Duty and National Guard service. A decorated combat veteran of counter-terrorism operations in Afghanistan and Iraq, Randy served at all levels of Special Forces, commanding at ODAs, Company, Battalion and Group.