And We Repeat Ourselves Again . . .
Events of the world have us re-writing the Newsletter once again . . .
To quote Gunsite Family Member and noted leather-smith Rob Leahy:
“We need to eliminate unarmed free fire zones for the insane… get trained, go armed, it’s all on you.”
The internet is ablaze with quotes, memes, theories, and more after the Church murders this weekend. The weeping cries for more gun control were heard before the crime scene was cleared in Texas. (We try to follow the 72- hour rule prior to much commentary. Details in the infancy of a crime are often wrong, especially with the media in their rush to scoop the competition.)
Having said that, initial reports seem to indicate that the criminal was not legally allowed to possess a firearm and a good guy with a gun helped solve the problem. If these initial reports are true, additional gun laws would not have prevented this crime. The legal response of an armed citizen made a significant positive impact on reducing the carnage.
Now, what do you do? See Paragraph #2 and Rob’s simple and to the point comment.
The onus is upon you as a citizen of the Republic to get a pistol, spare magazine(s), a flashlight, a knife and an Individual First Aid Kit (and GET TRAINING) and carry them everywhere. YOU are the first responder at home, at work, in the mall, on the street and at Church. Get the proper education in Mind Set and Awareness. When was the last time you read “Principles of Personal Defense”? Do you follow the “Color Code” when you step out of your home?
Gunsite has a Church Defense Course we began planning about 18 months ago. (It takes significant time to offer a Quality product.) It was released in July 2017 with first course in June 2018. (If there are requests, we may offer it sooner.) Many churches (mega to tiny) send members of their security detail to our 250 Pistol and Active Shooter courses. This course is much more than just shooting. It is information about how these events have occurred, what a proper response is, how to select and best use team members and more. Please take a look at the course ( and consider it for your House of Worship. We believe we can provide a Mobile Training Team for this course with the proper local range and equipment.
We cannot stop all evil in the world. It has existed since biblical times and will continue to do so. However, we can prepare ourselves and our families. We can prepare our workplace. We can prepare our House of Worship. More and more liberal minded folks are realizing the world is not the panacea they once thought it was. Work with these folks. Don’t turn them away when they inquire as they are beginning to “see the light.” Help them learn.
On lighter notes, the Fall continues to be beautiful at the Gunsite Ranch. We began November with a double 250 Pistol Course, a media event promoting Backcountry Wilderness Survival (Bear Defense), a 150 Pistol Course in TN, a 223 Carbine Course, LASO private course, a Close Quarter Tactics/Pistol Tutorial and our friends from Mossberg here for a media event. This schedule continues on through Thanksgiving with the popular 350 Night Couse, the Crimson Trace 250 (Held with our Partners Colonial Shooting Academy in Richmond Virginia at their outstanding indoor range), the US Navy returns for a Long Range Rifle private course and our industry partners Simply Rugged Holsters and Ruger have media events. Finally, we close out the training year in early December with a 250 Pistol Course. There is still time and space in these courses should you be interested and available.
Thanksgiving is a grand time of year to celebrate the lives we lead, the families we have and the Republic. Please remember those who have their dinner plate in a mess hall, on the battlefield, in a police car, fire truck or ambulance. They serve so that we may enjoy time with friends and family.
Gunsite offers Thanks to our Gunsite Family as well. Our true remuneration for our work here comes from the comments we receive as to the training and especially those messages that what you learned may have saved your life.
Let us close with words from President Theodore Roosevelt on Thanksgiving, 1908:
“Let us, therefore, as a people set our faces resolutely against evil, and with broad charity, with kindliness and good-will toward all men, but with unflinching determination to smite down wrong, strive with all the strength that is given us for righteousness in public and in private life.”
We could not say it better.
God Bless you and the Republic.