Are you on “The Job” in law enforcement with a partner you work with every day? Do you and your loved one care to COMBINE your existing skills, and expand them into a team format? Then, Two Person Tactics is the class for you. This three-day class will give you and your partner the skills to rapidly assess a threat to YOUR TEAM, and react accordingly.
When partners work cooperatively in a tactical situation, their capabilities are multiplied, not added together. A two-person team can secure far more space at once, can move and shoot cooperatively and solve problems with far more security than a single person can alone.
Two Person Tactics takes shooting, moving and COMMUNICATING to a new level. Our students learn safe gun-handling in confined spaces, assessing and reacting to multiple threats, covering fire, continuity of fire, cooperative movement, and ambush techniques. Extensive “square range” work will be done in live fire drills on paper and steel targets to build your team’s skills. These skills will then be applied in home invasion scenarios and car-jacking scenarios. This course includes Force-on-Force exercises with Simunitions, and life fire in our Simulators.
Graduates of Two Person Tactics will have honed their skills cooperatively, and will be able to present a unified front to any potential threat, wherever and whenever it may occur. You’ll be able to shoot with accuracy, move with fluidity, and communicate effectively to neutralize a threat to your team.
Course Dates in 2015: Aug 3-6, Dec 14-17
Cost: $1245 per person (Must register as team of two)
Duration: 4 days
Prerequisite: None
Ammunition requirement: 900 rounds ball, 50 rounds frangible, (marking cartridge ammunition provided)