February means Ground Hogs Day, Fat Tuesday, Ash Wednesday, Valentine’s Day, and Arizona Statehood Day. (Several of the Gunsite family here in the Prescott area head to Augie’s Restaurant on Fat Tuesday for a steaks, cigars and whiskey event on Fat Tuesday!) It also means much of the Republic is in the depth of the Winter season. (It is sunny and 73 here at the Gunsite Ranch with a 223 Class enjoying the sunshine as I write this.)
With the weather foul in your area, that doesn’t mean your training stops. Rather, it is time for you to dry practice with your winter concealed carry. You are apt to be wearing additional layers, coats, sweaters, etc. The presentation of the pistol from under layers is different than that light coat or Hawaiian shirt. (Both with the Raven on them of course.) So, time to recall the Dry Practice Lecture from 250 Pistol (or go to your class handbook for review), set yourself up properly both mentally and physically, and practice. Don’t try to be fast with the presentation as you clear the garment(s). Instead, try to be smooth. Smooth will become fast. I believe it was Wyatt Earp who allegedly said: “Take your time, but be quick about it.” (Let me add, if you can get out in the weather to train, all the better. You don’t get to pick the weather for your gun fight.)
Buz, Jane Anne and I returned from walking untold steps/miles at SHOT Show. It is such a proud moment to have a Gunsite family member chase us down in the aisles or for us to see the Raven hats, shirts and pins worn about. (I was in the press room and a gent was taking a power nap at the table wearing a Gunsite vest. I slipped up and left a Thin Blue Line Gunsite pin and my card on his open laptop. Haven’t heard from him yet. The press room must be one of those places you can be in “white.”) Thanks to all who did visit with us at SHOT. We posted regularly on social media, including our first ventures with “Facebook Live.” Meetings were many and we hope to post some new ventures and partnerships very soon.
Training in February is 223, 556, a 1911 Armorer’s Build Class, Shotgun (including Shotgun Range Day) and more. We also host our industry partner “The Well Armed Women” for their three (3) day Instructor Course. Media events are also underway here with several partners.
Have you planned your 2018 Training Schedule yet? We are ahead of last year on student registrations, so if there is a “must” for you, don’t wait to enroll. It may be full if you delay.
If you can’t travel to the Gunsite Ranch, remember we have options all over the Republic. Colonial Shooting Academy in Richmond VA continues to host Gunsite for a five (5) day 250 pistol course. It is always sunny and 70 degrees in their clean indoor ranges and live fire shoot-house. Next opportunity is May. (https://www.gunsite.com/virginia-offsite-classes/)
Indiana courses are in Greenfield and Lebanon in 2018. Do you need an introduction to Gunsite or a refresher? The three (3) day 150 Pistol or 123 Carbine may be just the thing. Not too far to travel and offered over a three (3) day weekend. (https://www.gunsite.com/mobile-training-team/indiana-offsites/ )
June is our first 150 Pistol Class in Missouri. (https://www.gunsite.com/mobile-training-team/missouri-offsite-classes/) We look forward to this opportunity and hope it leads to more.
For our friends in the northwest, Firearms Academy of Seattle has asked us to return for another 150 Pistol. It is a beautiful part of the Republic to visit. Last year host Marty Hayes arraigned for the solar eclipse as well. (https://www.gunsite.com/washington-offsite-classes/)
Finally, Rangemaster Ron Fielder has several opportunities in several courses in the Nashville TN area. Ron is a great host and excellent instructor. (https://www.gunsite.com/mobile-training-team/tennessee-offsite-classes/)
All these course run concurrent with the variety of classes we offer here at the Gunsite Ranch. If you haven’t been here, you are overdue. If you have, it is time to come back.
I must close with a sad note. Multiple Gunsite family member Dr. Darren McDonough was out for Carbine Range Day in January. He left early as he wasn’t feeling well. Unfortunately, he passed away from unexpected heart issues that night at his hotel. We have shared memories and grieved with his family and know you will do the same. Please keep his wife and family in your thoughts and prayers. His wife left us with some Gunsite memorabilia from him that is now displayed in the Office and Revelation.
With that said, remember to live every day to its fullest.