Whew . . .
Seems like we were preparing for the GAS Match just a week ago and now we are well into November. Fall in the high desert is a wonderful time of year. Cool, crisp mornings with warm afternoons and the sound of liberty ringing on the Gunsite ranges.
We are nearing your last opportunity to enroll in the Pat Rogers Memorial Revolver Round-Up on November 18-20, 2023. (https://www.gunsite.com/classes/pat-rogers-memorial-revolver-round-up/) This is three (3) full days of symposium-style training opportunities with Gunsite Rangemasters and many other outstanding instructors. It can be a low round count (300 rounds) or more if you wish. What a great opportunity to learn about the wheel gun from great instructors at Gunsite!
Watch for the soon-to-be-released sales for Veterans Day, Black Friday, and Christmas. The new Pro Shop will be offering up many grand holiday gifts with specials on merchandise and firearms. We try to make Santa’s job easy. Remember Gunsite Gift Certificates are also “the gift that keeps on giving.” (Quoting Cousin Eddie from Christmas Vacation).
Veteran’s Day is November 11. We remember the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month, ending the First World Way. We give thanks to the Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines and Coasties that wrote that check with their lives and forever impacted their lives during their service. We must never forget what they did (and do) allow us to live our lives today.
November and December continue to be busy at Gunsite with an Indiana 123 Carbine this weekend (not to late to enroll!), Pistol Range Day at Gunsite on Veteran’s Day, 150 Basic Pistol and Team Tactics for Two next week along with a private Law Enforcement Rural Sniper Class and a media event.
Following Thanksgiving, we have another increasingly popular Day Zero for Pistol and then 250 Pistol, and training with the Ruger staff. December begins with a Day Zero for Carbine with the 223 Carbine following, an AZ CCW Class, a private Pistol/Carbine, Precision Rifle 7 class, Dick Williams with his band of merry gun writers for a special event and another private Law enforcement Designated Marksman Class.
Remember if you enroll in a 2024 Class in 2023, you avoid the slight tuition increase for 2024. Save yourself some monies and enroll this year.
I can’t write a newsletter without some political commentary, so let me just share this:
“We should never despair, our situation before has been unpromising and has changed for the better, so I trust, it will again. If new difficulties arise, we must only put forth new exertions and proportion our efforts to the exigency of the times.” –George Washington, letter to Philip Schuyler, 1777
Gunsite Offices, Pro Shop and Ranges close at Noon on Wednesday November 22, reopening on Monday November 27 in celebration of Thanksgiving. We offer our thanks to all the Gunsite Family for their on-going support of our endeavors and hope you spend special time with your friends, family and loved ones.
Blessings to all,
To read the newsletter in it’s entirety, visit: