Spring has sprung and the first day of summer is upon us here in the high desert. We are behind in our rattlesnake count this year due to the cool weather, but we are looking forward to catching up.
This month on the 17th of June, we celebrate the “Battle of Bunker Hill”. This is again a misnomer as most of the fighting took place on Breeds Hill. In April we chased the world’s most powerful army back to Boston and began the siege of Boston. The Brits initiated this battle on the Charlestown Peninsula where our folks, under the command of William Prescott had stealthily constructed an earthen redoubt. This was to have become an artillery battery where we would install the cannon captured from Ft. Ticonderoga last month, to pound the Brits in Boston. The British force in Boston was composed of 6000 troops. Colonel Prescott had but 1200 on the Charlestown Peninsula. After being repulsed twice by the patriots, the Redcoats prevailed in their third assault. Our guys were out of ammo and the fight within the redoubt was hand to hand as the colonists advanced to the rear towards Charlestown, to fight another day. British General Clinton, lamented: “A few more such victories would have shortly put an end to British domination in America”. This battle included the highest casualty count of any Revolutionary War engagement. The final score in the Brits Pyrrhic victory: KIA: UK 226, US 115; WIA: UK 828, US 305. These scores include a disproportionate number of British officers. The officer corps of the monarch’s Army lost 19 KIA and 62 WIA. It took years for them to recover. This battle gave birth to the American bumper sticker: GOT AMMO?
June 19th. Ever wonder why Mothers Day is a month earlier?? Do not forget all the fathers in your life: father, brothers, grandfather, sons that may be fathers and of course the father in law. Send them a card, give them a call. Invite them to go shooting that week end. Take a youngster with you and get him started on the road to freedom and responsibility.
June 14th is officially Flag Day. Time to take down that wind scarred “Old Glory” and put up a brand new shiny one for the next year. You will be just in time for Independence Day, which is just around the corner.
May was another record month for pistol classes. These course offerings included 150, 250, 350, Ladies Two Day Pistol, CCW, and private 250 and 350 tutorials. Our world class instructor cadre has never been shining brighter. Click here to see a 350 student’s blog on his class, he did a great job and included lots of pictures – http://ezine.m1911.org/showthread.php?t=87.
June is a golden opportunity for pistol work here on the ranch. We have 250, 350 and the post graduate pistol course, 499. This month you can come out for 2 weeks and get your 250 and 350 back to back (this is only offered twice a year). There are but a few openings in each one so get on the horn to Karen ASAP (928-636-4565 extension 19) to reserve your spot. When you wince at the national weather forecast about Phoenix being 100+ daily in June remember that here on the ranch we are at 5000 ft MSL and about 20 degrees cooler. June is great training weather. School is out so bring your son or daughter, nephew or niece, brother or sister out west for a life changing experience with the best of the best. They will be forever appreciative. Remember your 250 and how it changed your life? Please go to www.gunsite.com for dates.
We hosted the largest 223, basic carbine class in history in May and look forward to a similar event in our offering of the June 556, advanced carbine class. The 556 is more shooting, with more demanding accuracy standards and shorter time limits, advanced gun handling skills, and more indoor and outdoor “stimulators”. Drop Karen a note and ask her if she has any room left, hurry the 556 class is in high demand. shari@gunsite.com
Col. Cooper always referred to this tool as the “Queen of Battle”. June is the perfect month for this class, the spring winds have passed and the weather is great. This class is designed around the bolt action rifle. The bolt action rifle is considered most suited for harvesting game, but you will learn how to accomplish many more tasks with this tool. If you are new to the rifle, we will start out removing your new firearm from the box, mounting optics and zeroing the rifle. You will be making first round hits from conversational distances out to 400 yards. Many outdoor simulators are included as well as the end of class competition. General Rifle thoroughly prepares you to take this handy, powerful system afield in all your journeys off the pavement. Again shari@gunsite.com is your key to entry.
JULY IS VETS MONTH (as well as independence day)
We have four 250 classes scheduled in July. Two of the 250 Pistol classes are classes we hold for Veterans of our recent Middle East Conflicts. If you served in the US military in the “sand box” since 2001 you are eligible for one of these 250 classes at no charge. Tell all the folks you know that have served or are serving at this time in the middle east conflicts. These classes are taught largely by our instructors who are veterans themselves and donate their time for these classes. In August we will also be running a 223 Carbine class for our veterans at no cost. These classes are filled this year but we will be doing it again next year so watch the 2012 calendar for dates. Our way of saying THANK YOU!!
Remember to save a vacation day for the annual Gunsite Alumni Shoot on October 1st or take a week and participate in one of the many class offerings (as well as another 1911 Centennial 250 Pistol class) the weeks before and after GAS.
Stay tuned and check out the website for more!!!