While the East coast and Pacific Northwest are digging out of the snow and rainy weather, Gunsite has been enjoying an early spring for our February classes, with temperatures well into the 70’s. Today, March 1st, our weather is roaring in like a lion, and we are enjoying some much needed rain.
Recently Ruger brought out their Ruger American Rifle in .308, with a Redfield Revolution 3-9X scope and Hornady 168 grain A-Max ammunition to introduce this gun to the media. Gunsite and Ruger make great neighbors as they both share in show casing their wares.
In preparing for our busiest season, we are proud to report that the winter gave us time to rebuild and clean the ranges, and to prepare for some new target additions to our facility.
Mike Gibson of MGM is building us a dozen of his new Recon targets. These units are self-resetting utilizing an internal self-contained removable air bottle. This unit will handle all pistols and rifles to .308. The air bottle will cycle the target 300 to 400 cycles which should last for one five day 270 class before replacing the air bottle with the supplied second unit. We are anxiously looking forward to getting these units into all the long gun classes. You can anticipate entirely new and exciting shoot off competitions on Fridays with this new equipment.
We are also expanding the capabilities of the pistol ranges with some additional targets. Mike is sending us a copy of his trailer mounted shooting gallery for our use as well. Come out and try your skills against this critter. It should be challenging and a great deal of fun.
Classes coming up with openings are the 556 Advanced Carbine class March 10-14, the 250 Pistol class March 10-14 and another 250 Pistol class March 31-April 2nd. Most of the April classes still have a few openings in them.
178 years ago, March 2, 1836, 59 Texans signed and Texas adopted the “Texas Declaration of Independence”. With this document, settlers in Mexican Texas officially broke from Mexico, creating the Republic of Texas. Texas was an independent nation until joining the United States in 1845.
On the ninth of March, you folks that do government time (we do not participate in this charade in Arizona) don’t forget to “spring ahead” your clocks.
We honor our Medal of Honor winners on March 25th. Please go to their website at www.cmohs.org for some fantastic true stories of real American Heros.
The 29th, completing the month and the first quarter of 2014 is the 103rd birthday of the finest fighting handgun ever invented. John Moses Browning’s 1911 semi-automatic pistol. The longest running and bestselling firarm in the world today. Thanks to Gunsite and Col. Cooper an entire industry was recreated in the last quarter of the last century around this pistol.
The world is a restless place, stay alert. “Make up your minds that happiness depends on being free, and that freedom depends on being courageous. Let there be no relaxation in the face of war”. Pericles 495 BC
Take a youngster out to shoot today.
Buz Mills
Gunsite Ranch
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